Monday, June 13, 2011

How to connect with anyone at all levels?

Man is a social animal bounded by relationships, both personal and formal. According to Barbara Colorose, "We control fifty percent of a relationship and influence hundred percent of it". Influence is the capacity to produce the required effect on the actions, behavior and opinions of others. The appropriate utilization of influence helps you produce excellent results, thereby making you the "Special Point of Contact", which in turn again makes your circle of influence larger and effective. And as the work burden increases, it necessitates the influence on all other levels of organization in order to deliver the task on time. Technically, this is called as the Law of Reciprocity and Exchange. According to the law, exchange and influence are an important part of interpersonal behavior; exchange being paid for what is done and influence is giving others what they need.

Influence needn't come from a higher level of authority. It comes from those who possess certain leadership qualities like intelligence, maturity, personality, etc. Such influential people can be called leaders in their respective fields. Leaders inspire others towards high performance leading to significant impact on the organization's performance. The attributes of inspiring leaders include being role models, goal setters, change champions, good communicators and most importantly making an emotional connection with the group. The competency of leaders lies not in fixing the weaknesses of the group but in rather building their key areas of strength.

A good leader has the ability to engage with the employees and build strong relationships. He renders full support to employees at all levels to utilize their full potential and achieve professional and personal success. A leader is who is always open to ideas from all levels of the organization, creates an exciting environment for the employees to work in. Sub ordinates tend be mutually supportive. This increases the productivity and ultimately the sub ordinates are rewarded for their extra effort taken. Therefore, we can say that motivating the employees to perform better is a psychological process linked to the stimulus which has to come from the leader.

Leadership is a means of motivating the subordinates. Among motivational factors like harmonizing, empathizing, appreciating, rewarding, being a role model and morally supporting the employees, its harmony in the work groups that arouse the team spirit. This is better known as "Espirit De' Corps". It inspires and influences the workers to work harder together. To inculcate the team spirit the subordinates should be infused with a sense of belongingness towards their job. A face to face mode of communication should be practiced for greater and better impact.

It is rightly said that only when people enjoy their job, they deliver their best. So, the work culture of an organization or the home, be it whatsoever, the enjoying spirit should be alive in them. There should be no place for any misunderstanding and efforts should be directed at creating enthusiasm. An enthusiasm filled heart influences the person to give his best shot.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mapping out effective negotiation strategies part 3

11. Be persuasive.

12. Be thoroughly prepared and avoid common mistakes.

13. Use tactics that suit you and understand tactics used by others.

14. Know when to walk away as well as when and how to use third-party help.

15. Know how to evaluate your performance and target improvements.

After mastering these pointers

Action plan

Practice - Evaluate - Practice - Evaluate - Change? - Practice - Evaluate - Practice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mapping out effective negotiation strategies part 2

6. Communicate effectively, allowing for differing perceptions, biases, and prejudices.

7. Acknowledge contextual and cultural expectations.

8. Understand the dynamics of power.

9. Identify interest and goals.

10. Be assertive.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mapping out effective negotiation strategies part 1

1. Practice Critical Thinking & Empathy

2. Study & Understand Key Principles from communication, psychological, sociological & conflict theories.

3. Know yourself

4. Understand the dynamics of conflict

5. Know major negotiation temperaments and styles and how to interact with each of them.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life's Strategy Part 2

Step 5 – We would get an idea of our possible strengths and weakness. We have to again list it out, like for example, we are very good in dealing with people, in speaking, and our weakness may be poor in organizing. Let us use the data and fuel our strengths and consider outsourcing our weaknesses.
Step 6 – Developing the possible strategy. Having the data and the understanding, there could be only a few possible outcomes. If the external environment is doing well, in growth, adopt a plus strategy, example spend to upgrade you. If the external environment is stabilizing or maintaining, adopt an equal strategy, example to take chances to spend or focus on cutting back. If the external environment is not doing well, on a decline, adopt a minus strategy, example in a retrenchment stage consider downsizing your personal expenses. Just minus away the dessert, if you had originally planned to have an expensive meal.
Step 7 – Implement your strategy or take action. Confucius had a saying “ If you know something and don’t act upon it, is as though you know nothing. Take action reflecting the goals that you originally desired to achieve. If it does not do according to plan take action to control and alter your course of action.
Step 8 – Monitor and evaluate your progress. Is this what you truly want. If things do not go according to plan, what you should consider is to revisit you original goals and objectives and repeat step 1 to step 8. Before you know it, you would see a fantastic change in you and looking forward to a newer happier you. Say this mantra in the mirror 50 times, I Like Myself, I Like Myself, And I LIKE MYSELF.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life's Strategy Part 1

lease bring out the CEO in you and take charge of life. We are all winners, as we beat hundreds and hundreds to come into the existence of a human body. Claim our birth right, our throne, as we step forth on this beautiful place called earth, whatever we wanted, we just had to cry, with our diapers or without our diapers, and we will be attended to. Let’s live life the way we should live it. Life is great, Life is beautiful. Now let me draw to the point, there are eight steps in strategically managing our life.
Step 1 – Identify or write down our goals, our dreams, our purpose in life, what we plan to achieve, how much, by when, doing what. Write it down. Don’t just think about it, ink about it. Like a pilot knows exactly his destination, we should also have clear, visual goals that we would want to achieve. Now, don’t get too carried away, write down smaller goals in life. Do baby steps, as every drop of water makes an ocean and a small leak can sink a great ship, let’s build this new and beautiful habit of writing it, reviewing it and changing it if necessary?
Step 2 – Analysing the external environment, we have to know what are we up against or what would be in our favour. Like for example, there might be more focus on the tourism or service sector, or falling interest rates would make it unattractive to keep money in the banks.
Step 3 – We would get an idea of the possible opportunities and threats out there for or against us. From the raw data of step 2, we could list down all the possible pros and cons. That would mean more possible job openings in the service sector, which we should equip ourselves, like for example the certified service professional course, and falling interest rates would make us think of whether to keep the money in the bank or money under our pillow or purchasing investments.
Step 4 – Analysing our resources or our internal environment. We have to list down our finances, what we own, such as assets, car, house, what we owe, such as credit cards, what we earn, our income and what we spend, our expenses, we should also list down the people that mean to us, our family, our friends, our academic qualification, our skill sets.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Decision Making Process

Ready, Aim, Aim, Aim, Aim,...., you have to Fire.
It is very important that we make decisions.

Decision making is about identifying a problem, generating alternatives, selecting a possible solution and evaluating the effectiveness of the choice.

Decision making process in 8 distinct steps. They are:
• Identify the problem
• Identify the decision criteria
• Assign weightage to decision criteria
• Develop possible solutions/alternatives
• Analyse each alternative
• Select the best alternative/possible solution
• Implement
• Monitor/Evaluate

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learn to let go

9 stages of letting go

See it
Say it
Sense it
Stay with it

"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that use and persecute you." - Jesus of Nazareth

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some examples of planning

For example, planning involves:
• Determining the present position of the organisation
• Carrying out environmental scanning
• Formulating objectives/goals
• Identify specific activities to be carried out
• Set standards for each activity

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Be Responsible

Responsibility refers to the obligation of an employee to complete all the assigned duties. The job activities are normally spelt out in a document called job description. Responsibility is made specific, by dividing the job activities. By assigning specific individuals for the completion of specific job activities, manager can hold an individual responsible.
Managers must make sure that no more than one person is held responsible for the completion of same activity.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Plan that you can manage

Planning is about deciding organisation’s goals. Managers think and agree on specific goals and actions. Planning is also about identifying strategies for achieving the goals. Planning is considered as the primary function, because it provides the basis for all other three activities.

• Planning involves short-term and long-term.

• Planning provides directions for the activities of the organisation and coordinate the efforts of various departments.

• Planning is aimed at making an organisation work more efficiently towards the achievement of goals.

• For example, when a manager decides to increase the sales by 15 per cent during the next 12 months by introducing new range of products is involved in planning.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Empowering life pt 2

Re presentation of your reality

Change is constant

Respecting others' model of their world

Choice of your words would determine your reality

Using your own internal propulsion system to do the change

The meaning of the communication is the response that you get

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Empowering life

Create powerful references in your life that could expand your world.

Replicate other people excellence

Model to produce results

Increase your financial vocabulary if you want more of the financial stuff

Similarity supports the long term and differences the short term

Values and Beliefs are shaped by the various experiences in our life

Friday, February 4, 2011

Inspiring Words

“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.”
—Helen Keller

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.
— Cherokee Saying

“Each choice we make causes a ripple effect in our lives. When things happen to us, it is the reaction we choose that can create the difference between the sorrows of our past and the joy in our future.”
-Chelle Thompson

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.
— Sally Field

I can relate to that value.

There are seven values that are common to everyone - WeaK SPACE

Wealth - Ownership and worth

Knowledge - Learning and understanding

Sensuality - One's physical experience

Power - Control and recognition

Aesthetics - Beauty, balance, order and symmetry

Commitment - Being committed to something, having a mission or a cause, doing the "right" thing

Empathy - Feeling connected to other people

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Purpose of Planning

Planning has many benefits. Planning forces managers to look at the future. Without planning, managers may be too occupied with the day-to-day operation and problems.

With planning managers anticipate future problems while pursuing the goals. This helps to reduce uncertainty.

Planning enables the organisation to direct its resources to make things happen

Planning encourages greater cooperation and coordination among the various groups in the organisation. This improves better utilization of organisational resources.

Planning reduces waste and eliminates duplication of activities.

Planning sets standards that can be used for purpose of controlling.

Living Life & Enjoying Everday

Life is a gift, appreciate and enjoy, and live in the now, it is so important. A smile will gain you ten more years of life, and ten more years worth living. Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on as making mistakes is about how we learn to do better. Remember, time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted as you are investing time in pleasure that brings you dividends of peace.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Word Power

Recently, I was reading this book and it was called "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis, and I realized that my vocabulary range was awful, my commitment to this blog is to share information that I pick up and am willing to share and grow

1)A clandestine meeting - secret
2) to vacillate continually - swing back and forth in indecision
3) audacious attempt - bold
4) a prurient adolescent - sexually longing
5) an egregious error - outstandingly bad
6) a taciturn host - disinclined to conversations
7) shows perspicacity - mental keenness
8) a laconic reply - terse and meaningful
9) to malign his friend - slander
10) gregarious person - very sociable


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10 points to minimize your fear of public speaking

1)Overcome and accept your fear and make it work for you, use your nervous energy and turn it into enthusiasm, which will relax you.

2)Pranayam. Take a deep breath from your diaphragm, not your chest, feel the difference and relax. make it a habit to relax your body before speaking

3)Diction improves as you practice reading out loud.

4)Improve your tone and emotion, by reading children's books.

5)Try this, Look in front of a mirror and say "I like myself" 20 times and start speakingg to the mirror to improve your smile and body language.

6)Use key words on cue cards to keep you organized, know your content and never, never memorize a speech.

7)To improve your comfort level, speak as often as possible in public.

8)Use laughter and humor to relax, not only you, but your audience.

9)Use a video recorder to evaluate your skills.


Monday, January 31, 2011

My Investment

I hesitate to make a LIST
Of all the countless opportunities I've MISSED;
Bonanzas that were in my GRIP
I watched them through my fingers SLIP

The windfalls that i should have BOUGHT
Were lost because I OVERTHOUGHT;
I thought of this, I thought of THAT
I could have swore I smelled a RAT;
And while I thought things over TWICE
Another grabbed them at the PRICE

It seems I always HESITATE
And make my mind up much too LATE;
A very cautious man am I
And that is why I never BUY

When others culled those sprawling FARMS
And welcomed contracts with open ARMS;
I chose to think and while I THOUGHT
They brought the deals I could have BOUGHT

The golden chances I had THEN
Today I cannot be ENTICED
For everything's so OVERPRICED

At times a teardrop drowns my eyes
For opportunities I had but did not BUY
And now life's saddest words I PEN....
"If only i'd invested THEN!"

2be3 Consultancy

Friday, January 28, 2011

Leadership Excellence For Trainers

Trainers are supposed to be leaders ␣ Leaders require the 3 F’s: Fantastic, Future, Follower ␣
Leading trainers need to constantly adjust their targets (“AIMS”) in order to cope with the fast changing
environment ␣

AIMS is not only a synonym for “targets” but also an acronym for the 4 ingredients of successful
leaders: Awareness, Innovation, Motivation, Socialization
Like it or not, trainers are leaders – leading individuals, groups or even complete organizations towards better personal and corporate performances. Hence, trainers should claim this leadership and act accordingly. Here are some tips how to succeed as trainer and leader by focusing on the right attitude and the right actions.
As for the attitude, leaders require the 3 F’s: Fantastic, Future, and Follower.
Leaders are fantastic since they are charismatic, energetic, neat in appearance and full of positivism. Leaders praise others for success while analyzing themselves in case of defeats. A leader comments “a lousy job done” as “this could be done better”.
Leaders are future oriented. They don’t look back or lament on past mishaps, since the future is bright with a clear vision at the horizon.

Source: Dr Alexander Trost

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Global Family

It is important to meet many different kind of people from work and social community who are actually part of different country. The experience of many culture and many languages would certainly be a wonderful experience to all.

Check out :Delta Story

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wealth Management Strategies

Many Singaporeans in the present age are caught up with their day to day work that they do not focus on the most important pillars in their lives. There are four major pillars when it comes to a business;

A) Marketing Function
B) Production Function
C) People Management
D) Financial Management

The same four pillars are very applicable to an individual who also has these applications in their lives.

Check out :2BE3

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Business Culture

The Business of International Business is Culture

Management is effectively getting things done through people. This is a concept that applies world wide and to all cultures. The key to getting things done is knowing what needs to be done and having a good understanding of the people. The different background that people have can be represented by a particular culture they belong to. The people could be categorized nation, region, ethnic group, organization, or social class.
Hofstede has identified five dimensions of national culture:
Power Distance - This is referenced to how the less powerful members of an organization accept and expect that power will be distributed equally. This represents high or low inequality of power. An example of low power distance would be in the USA the boss is looked upon for consultation and input but not to provide absolute direction. In contrast and example of high power distance would be a company where the boss provides autocratic direction and is not challenged.
Individualism versus Collectivism – This describes how much emphasis is put on working together to formulate a solution. In the USA the society is very individually driven. Creativity can be done alone and rewards are desired on an individual basis. People like to be praised and rewarded for their individual efforts. In the collective society such as in Japan people like to work together and get the groups input and consensus before making a decision. The also prefer to have the team praised for a good job and do not seek individual praise.
Masculine vs Feminine - In the Feminine society the focus is on relationships and conflicts are normally resolved by compromise. In the workplace a person would be less assertive and would put an emphasis on the quality of life. In a masculine society people would put more focus on achievements and thrive on competition. Conflicts would be resolved by argumentation. In the workplace assertiveness would be a key trait to have and people would be focused on their careers.
Uncertainty Avoidance – This revolves around a societies comfort or uncomfortable feelings toward unstructured situations. The society with weak uncertainty will be comfortable with unstructured objectives, no specific deadlines, lack of rules. The society that has a strong avoidance is aggressive and shows their emotions. People like structured learning, exact objectives, and more formalized rules.
Long Term vs Short Term Orientation - This component highlights a societies regard for viewing things in the long term or short term. Historically the western countries have focused more on short term goal setting and achievement where as in the Eastern countries they view things more based on a long term view.
The appraisal system - used in the western countries to provide objective feedback to employees may not be accepted well in eastern countries and may actually be detrimental to the long term employee behavior.
Management by objective - was developed in the USA which relies on subordinates negotiating on their objectives with their boss. This may not work in
A medium to low power distance and not to high uncertainty avoidance society.
Organizational culture can be very strong and is a very important component. This culture differs mostly at the superficial level. Members of the organization must adapt their personal values to the organization’s needs.
Process Orientated Culture– Dominated by technical and bureaucratic routines, based on degree of homogeneity,
Results Orientated Culture – Common concern for the outcomes, all perceived their practices in the same way, strong culture
Job Orientated culture – Assumes responsibility for the employees job performance only
Employer Orientated Culture – Assume broad responsibility for members well being
Professional Culture – Highly educated members, identify with their profession
Parochial Culture – Derive their identity from the organization
Open System Culture – Ease of internal external communications, open to outsiders
Closed System Culture – Difficulty with internal external communications, closed to outsiders
Tightly Controlled Culture – Highly formal and punctual – banks and companies
Loosely Controlled Culture – less formal, creative, ad-agencies
Pragmatic Culture – Flexible environment
Normative Culture – Rigid environment

Managing Cultural Differences in Multinationals

Technical or cultural know how more important
Business country managers key to success
Corporate diplomats living in and assisting host country
Check out my other blog :Ramology

Develop an Action Plan for Promotion

What is the objective of promotion?
It is to:
Remind, Inform & Persuade (R,I,P)
Step 1) Determine Promotional Objectives
Step 2) Identify Target Market
Step 3) Plan the Budget
Step 4) Establish the Budget
Step 5) Develop the Promotional Program
Step 6) Implement
Step 7) Collect and Measure performance
Step 8) Evaluate

If you know something, act on it. It is better to burn out than it is to rust.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Law of Attraction Really Works

It is very interesting as I am a Strong believer that your luck is in your own hands and you have the power to shape your own destiny if you believe. If you want to be happy focus on what is it that you want. If you want more money, Focus on What is it you want .What you focus on Expands.

If you man to start a relatively affordable business

Click here please:Money Making Opportunities

10 Brainstorming Rules

1. Set directions. Describe the situation and define the problem.
2. Help people to understand the problem to be solved and clarify the objectives. Focus on productive objectives and keep group on track.
3. Involve everyone. Encourage everyone to contribute. Control dominating participants. Celebrate diversity. Use different techniques to draw ideas from group.
4. Encourage cross-fertilization. Build on each other. Let others' ideas take you somewhere else. Combine, synergize, and improve upon ideas.
5. Encourage outside-the-box thinking. Challenge assumptions. Be creative. Go crazy. Sometimes the wildest ideas lead to great ones. The wilder the ideas the better Step out of your shoes to surface new insights. ("What if you were a cat, or a film scenario writer – how would you solve the problem?"). Encourage active listening.
6. Don't overlook the obvious – the obvious solution is sometimes the bestSuspend judgment. No ideas are bad ideas. All ideas are good ideas. (Actually, a minority opinion offered during group decision making often stimulates more innovative solutions to problem).
7. Don't fear repetitions. At different moments you see with different eyes. During discussion afterwards the duplicate ideas you may find them different or they may trigger a different response at a different time.
8. Don't stop and discuss. Go for quantity, not quality. Keep the momentum going.
9. Record and display each idea. Make sure each idea is complete – don't use one-word descriptions to avoid misunderstanding. Don't edit.
10. Apply the 80/20 rule and change hats to select the best ideas. Look through your list of ideas and circle the 20% that will yield 80% of the results you are looking for. Encourage full-spectrum thinking.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Keyword is important

This keyword or phrase is important to you because through the search engine, it is where they found your website or blog. This keyword or phrase is ultimately is your blueprint of your new product or which you are fine tuning your existing product.

Use can do your keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Tool to find keywords on the topic you wan to write about. Then, pick out keywords that are in high demand and being searched by people online. These are keywords that people are going to type when they are searching for information online.

Do not pick keywords which are low in searches as this will make your article less likely searched on the search engines

If you man to start a relatively affordable business

Click here please:Money Making Opportunities