Monday, December 15, 2008

Being a People Magnet

Hello everyone! Are we excited about the power of life, I mean, are we really excited about electrifying our life with power 1 energy. By now If you have not, please do yourself a favour and go out there and charge your life with the technology of loving and enjoying yourself, be excited with the great flow of the power supply of love.

The wind of life is simply amazing, we have to be like water, and go with the flow.Just like the technology of nature’s greatest gift,water, when it is poured into a pot, it takes the shape of the pot. When water is poured into a glass, it takes shape of the glass and when you pour water into a bottle, it takes shape of the bottle. We have to adapt to situations and circumstances. You cannot change the direction of the wind but you can certainly adjust your sails. It is great to be firm with your principles, it would be greater if you could adopt some flexibility.

We have to charge oneself with the power supply of energy, and what i mean by energy is having a mantra, repeating and repeating to your self,over and over again that “I am a Powerful Force of Passion and Love, I am Just like Water able to adapt to any kind of spirit, the fire of success burns with the fuel of passion of what i strongly believe, and the force of wind will elevate me to greater heights, I like myself, I like myself, I love myself”.

When we strongly believe in our minds eye that we have power 1, the tools and technology of living life with great passion, we would attract people just like a magnet.We have great powers as we have the power to emit positive energy.

It would be a great idea if we can write down some of our random thoughts, what is our purpose of life, what are some of our goals and ideas, what are our strengths and our weaknesses, who could we have as a mentor. Not only do we think about it, we can also ink about it, with the use of a paper and a pen.

Another idea that could energize the power 1 you, is to get your friend or even friends to write about what they like about you and what they hate about you. A word of caution, when you are doing this exercise, please remember that you are identifying your strengths and your shortfalls and how you can make yourself better and better, to give you the power supply of life that you need and you deserve.

Always remember the mantra of life,”I am a Powerful Force of Passion and Love, I am Just like Water able to adapt to any kind of spirit, the fire of success burns with the fuel of passion of what i strongly believe, and the force of wind will elevate me to greater heights, I like myself, I like myself, I love myself and I am one of God’s finest creation”.

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