"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care - about them and their problems." Robert Cavett
"The last thing you want to do is to say something or engage in an activity that may irrituate your referral prospect. Any contact you have with the referral will more than likely be related back to its source. It is vital that any feedback is positive, otherwise, your source for referrals will terminate." Scott Kramnick
"The best prospect is the client who has already dealt with you. The second best is the one referred to by a client who has dealt with you previously. The third best is the on e referred to you by another trusted professional or friend." Marilyn Jennings.
"The way of the world is meeting people through other people." Robert Kerrigan
"Customers set up a hierarchy of values, wants, and needs based on emperical data, opinions, word-of-mouth references, and previous experiences with products and servies. they use that information to make purchasing decisions." Regis McKenna
"A product or company in its infancy has no real meaning. But it acquires meaning from its environment, and it changes as the environment changes." Regis McKenna
"[consumer]Perception extends from the quality reputation of the product and its manufacturer to the reputation of other established users of the product." Regis McKenna
"Customer loyalty begins with an experience." Regis McKenna
"People are deluged with promotional information, and they are beginning to distrust it [advertising]. People are more likely to make decisions based on what they hear directly from other people, including friends, experts, or even salespeople. These days more decisions are made at the sales counter than in the living room armchair." Regis McKenna
"The no-questions-asked policy allows customers to communicate honestly with the dealer." Regis McKenna
"Like it or not, people are talking about your business all the time. Some talk is positive, but because of a quirk in human nature, negative talk reaches a much wider audience than positive talk." Jerry Wilson
"Everybody has a horror story about goods and services. People love to tell horror stories. I guess inquiring minds want ot know the worst." Jerry Wilson
"Sociologists say the average person interacts repeatedly with approximately 250 other people, including neighbors, family, and co-workers." Jerry Wilson
"Informal conversation is probably the oldest mechanism by which opinions on products and brands are developed, expressed, and spread." Johan Arndt
"Word of mouth is the business world's equivalent of gossip; which may explain why it is so likely to be repeated when it is negative." Chip Walker